Mehmed Fetihler Sultani Episode 8 Trailer 1 With English Subtitles

Mehmed Fetihler Sultani Episode 8 Trailer 1 With English Subtitles

⚔ Sultan Mehmed the Conqueror ⚔

With the unexpected death of Sultan Murad, the Ottoman palace and people went into mourning, and a new page was opened in the state.

Whose name will be written at the top of this page that will open? Mehmed’s or Orhan’s? Despite Ishak’s resistance, Çandarlı sends a message to Mehmed to take the throne and perform the kut ceremony.

On the other hand, Ishak thinks that Mehmed’s rise to the throne will lead to terrible things. After Mehmed receives the news of his father’s death, he quickly leaves with his wife. He is also cautious of any plans that may be made against him and takes every step he takes carefully.

Konstantinos plans to put his strongest men in Mehmed’s path so that Orhan can ascend to the throne and shoots Mehmed when he least expects it. How will Mehmed escape this trap? Orhan is also advancing rapidly towards Edirne.

Mehmed Fetihler Sultani Episode 8 Trailer 1 With English Subtitles

Since he is closer than Mehmed, his chances of ascending to the throne are much greater. For this reason, Orhan rejects Konstantinos’ offer to send him his men, saying that he would not be welcome in Edirne.

However, he encounters an unexpected obstacle on the way: Bali Bey… Did Bali Bey come to obey Orhan or to resist?

With the unexpected death of Sultan Murad, the Ottoman palace and the people went into mourning, and a new page was opened in the state.

Who will write his name at the top of this page that opens? Muhammad or Orhan? Despite Ishak’s resistance, Chanderli would send a message to Muhammad to assume the throne and perform the Kut ceremony.

On the other hand, Ishaq believes that Muhammad’s ascension to the throne will lead to terrible things. After Muhammad received the news of his father’s death, he quickly left with his wife.

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He is also wary of any schemes that may be made against him and takes every step he takes carefully. Constantinos plans to put his strongest men in Mehmed’s path so that Orhan can ascend to the throne and shoots Mehmed when he least expects it.

How will Muhammad escape from this trap?

Orhan also quickly advances towards Edirne. Since he is closer to Muhammad, his chances of ascending the throne are much greater.

For this reason, Orhan rejects Constantinos’s offer to send his men to him, saying that he will not be welcome in Adrianople. However, he faces an unexpected obstacle in the way: Bali Bey… Did Bali Bey come to obey Orhan or to resist?


Fetihler Sultani Season 1 In English Subtitles

Mehmed Season 1 Episode 8 With English Subtitles OsmanOnline

Mehmed Fetihler Episode 8 KayiFamilyTV

Watch Mehmed Fetihler Sultani With English Subtitles Osman Online

Mehmed Sultani Season 1 Episode 8 With English Subtitles Kayi Family TV

Mehmed Fetihler Sultani 7

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