Kudus Fatihi Selahaddin Eyyubi Episode 17 With English Subtitles

Kudus Fatihi Selahaddin Eyyubi Episode 17 With English Subtitles

Selahuddin Ayyubi, The Conqueror of Jerusalem Episode 17 Summary

Gregor stormed Saladin’s camp and captured all the tribes. Knowing this, Selahaddin took measures to save his tribe, but Melik Mewdud appeared before him, and Selahaddin and Melik Mewdud fought. Sultan Nureddin was caught among the assassins.

Kudus Fatihi Selahaddin Eyyubi Episode 17 With English Subtitles

Selahaddin asked Melik Mewdud to go out of his way for his tribe. His only concern is to get the chest and solve all the problems before Sultan Nureddin arrives.

Realizing that Melik Mevdud would not back down, Selahaddin took the last step to escape from Mevdud’s hands. Now both of them are on the run from the government, and their tribes are in captivity and oppression.

Seeing the dire situation he was in, Selahaddin realized that he could not save his tribe without making a deal with Melik Mewdud.

Melik appears before Mewdud and asks him to allow him to save his tribe.

She lets him pawn the chest and they make a deal.

However, an unexpected event will turn all of Saladin’s plans upside down. Karategin grabbed the chest and stole it!

Now the Jews on one side and the Crusaders on the other are after the ark.

Knowing that if they capture the chest, the entire tribe will be destroyed, especially his family, Saladin embarks on a relentless journey filled with various traps and deadly ambushes.

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