Mehmed Fetihler Sultani Episode 5 With English Subtitles
On his wedding night, Mehmed makes a dangerous journey to Constantinople, his only dream and only love. He will collaborate with an unexpected person from the Byzantine palace to save Zaganos. Despite the danger of capture, can Mehmet save Zaganos from the heart of Byzantium?
Meeting with Urban Can Mehmet convince Urban to come back with him? Mehmet’s world is shattered when he receives news of his mother’s death. What will Mehmet do now, hold his father responsible for this death?
Mehmed Fetihler Sultani Episode 5 With English Subtitles
As Mehmed left Kulsa on his wedding night for Constantinople, the palace of Edirne shook. After learning about what happened to his daughter Khulsa, Ibrahim goes to Murad to account. Will Murad give his bride Khulsa to her father? Or follow dynastic tradition?
Meanwhile, Helena and Notaras, who learn that the Turks are infiltrating the city through their spies, hatch a plan to capture Prince Mehmed and his crew. Constantinos, who later learns of all the events, begins to feel uneasy about his mother Helena’s presence in the government. Will Helena and Notaras catch Mehmed?
Prince Mohammed was ambushed by the poor and fought tooth and nail. Isaac was rushing towards them with his men. How will Mehmed escape this ambush? After returning to Edirne, Mehmed took his palace and went to Manisa. Here they decide to go to Karamanoglu with a letter to Gulshak.
Will Ishaq come to Mehmed’s aid or will he attack?
What will Mehmed experience on this journey and what is written in the letter?
After Huma’s death, troubled Murad became worse. Candarli is aware of the situation and is concerned. What precautions does Kanderly have for the state’s future?
Mehmed was also aware of the situation and for this reason, left Sehabeddin in Edirne.
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