Uyanis Buyuk Selcuklu Episode 23 With English Subtitles
Melica, who lured Marcus into a trap by spreading false information that Kılıçarslan was going to Anatolia, avenged Tabar by killing him. With the death of Marcus, the Holy Spear fell into the hands of the Seljuks.
What will Isakios do to take this spear of vital importance to Byzantium from Meliksha? On the other hand, Malika’s capture of the Holy Spear and his subjugation of the Crusaders who had invaded his lands increased his reputation in the Islamic world.
Uyanis Buyuk Selcuklu Episode 23 With English Subtitles
What will Sabba do to destroy Melika’s rising reputation? To this end, what will be the bloody act of reuniting Issakios and Saba? Increasingly at odds with Melikşah and unable to reconcile with him, Tekiş would seek any means possible to depose Melikşah.
Using the political and social turmoil in the state as an excuse, he would call on the Turkmen Beys, the founding elements and backbone of the Seljuk state, to rally around him against Melika. Will the Turkmen agree to rebel against Beis Melika and join the Tekis?
In Shelemjar, starving merchants took steps to lure people to their superstitious ways. Badini doctors began to settle rapidly in Darusifah. Sabbah, who wanted the proceedings to be expedited, asked Faisal to establish the Batini Madrasa at Şelemzar.
While the Batinis were gaining strength in Şelemzar; Ghazali, mingling with the people, understood that the forbidden famines had begun to increase in Şelemzar.
What will Ghazali do to stop the Badini system?
Saba saw that Ghazali was in Şelemzar; What action will be taken against this Islamic scholar who has done so much harm to his goals?
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