Kurulus Osman Season 2 Episode 52 With English Subtitles
KAYI OBASI crying for his martyrs, While Usman Bey takes the horses that Amour Bey was supposed to deliver to Ingul Castle, the people of Kaya, who repelled the Togai attack, tremble from the pain of the martyrs, especially Abdul Rahman Ghazi. Amur Bey decides to continue trading with Nikola to infiltrate Ingol Castle, but tension continues since he does not share this plan with Osman Bey.
Osman Bey attacked the Byzantine forces, and Dondar Beg plans to use Togai to eliminate Usman Bey. When Savji Beg brings information that reinforcements are approaching Ingle, Usman Beg gathers his mountaineers and moves into action.
Kurulus Osman Season 2 Episode 52 With English Subtitles
Omar Baig presents the evidence, Shi Adbali invites Usman Bey and Amor Bey to his lodge without further notice to end the tension between them. When Amur Beg hands over the ring that Malhun Hatun took to Usman Beg, it turns out that the traitor is in the tribe of Dondar Beg.
How will Osman Bey take revenge on Togi? What will Osman Beg do when he finds out about his uncle Dondar Beg’s betrayal? How will Usman Beg take revenge on Toga who attacked the wedding ceremony? But What should be done to prevent the Byzantine forces coming from Constantinople to reach Ingol? What will be the reaction of Malhun Hatun to the obstruction of Usman Bey in their trade with Byzantium?
What will be the fate of Gunja Hatun who was injured? But What will be the reaction of Bamsi Bey who lost his dear friend Abdul Rahman Ghazi? Will Nikola break his alliance with Togai? What happens when Omar Beg meets Osman Beg? He was igniting the fire of Ghaza and Azadi with his coal black eyes.
His name was Osman, the son of Ertugrul Ghazi.
It was “love” that led him in the dark…He saw the dream of a nation that will surpass the seven heavens and seven earths, mountains and seas, in the lands full of blood and tears, “harvested with love”.
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