Osman Season 3 With English Subtitles HD
How will Osman and his alps get out of this pressure? While Tekfur Nikola wants to take Kosses to Constantinople and hand him over to the emperor, Turgut Bey, and his Alps act to prevent Nikola, but Turgut Bey is captured by Nikola.
GĆ¼ndĆ¼z Bey, who was in office in the absence of Osman Bey, is preparing to organize a principality party in Kayı Obası.
When GĆ¼ndĆ¼z Bey decided to exile women from the tribe; Bala Hatun, Malhun Hatun, and Selcan Ana vowed to protect Osman Beyās trust. Selcan Ana is wounded in the attack of the women who left Oba.
Osman Bey wants to capture Belek, Wedding preparations continue at full speed in Bilecik.
What steps would Bilesik Tekfuru Justinianus take to kill Osman Bey and his family? Osman Bey and his wives enter the castle disguised as wedding guests. Their mission is to capture Belezic, but there’s one thing they haven’t considered.
How will Usman Bey counter the Tekfers game? Knowing that Orhan and Aladdin are being held captive in Bilesik, can Bala Hatun and Malhun Hatun find the whereabouts of their children?
BARKIN’S SĆÄĆT occupation plan, While Kayı Obası waits for good news from the children and Osman Bey, Parkin sets up his own game and tries to capture Sokat. What is Parkin’s treacherous plan?
Bilecic Tekfuru is the big trump card in Juntinianus’s hand, Justinianus, the ruler of Belezic, awaits the wedding feast from Yarhisar with great excitement. Waiting for the arrival of the bride, Tekfur experiences a great shock. Osman Bey and his Albs come to capture Belezic, but Belezic Tekfuru Juntianus has a huge trump card in hand.
Orhan and Aladdin! Will Osman Bey give up success for his children?
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